6 and 7 SEPTEMBER 2018  

University of Beira Interior

The 3rd International Congress of the Portuguese Philosophical Society was held at the University of Beira Interior, in the city of Covilhã, on 6 and 7 September 2018. It was organized by Sociedade Portuguesa de Filosofia, in partnership with the Department of Communication and Arts of the Faculty of Letters and Arts of the University of Beira Interior, and welcomed talks by all interested in participating and discussing their research in any philosophical topic and methodology.

Invited speakers:

  • Adela Cortina (Universidad de Valencia)
  • João Branquinho (Universidade de Lisboa)
  • Maria Filomena Molder (Universidade Nova de Lisboa)
  • Markus Gabriel (Universität Bonn​)

The Congress had the scientific collaboration of a large panel of Portuguese philosophers and also of the Portuguese Association for Phenomenological Philosophy (AFFN), the Portuguese Association for the Theory and Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (APTD), the Luso-Brazilian Institute of Philosophy (IFLB), the Society for Environmental Ethics (SEA) and the Portuguese Society for Analytic Philosophy (SPFA).
The event also had the participation and collaboration of the philosophical societies of Brasil (Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia – ANPOF) and Spain (Red Española de Filosofía – REF). 


  1. Epistemology / Philosophy of Knowledge

  2. Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art

  3. Ethics and bioethics

  4. Philosophy of Science

  5. Philosophy of Language

  6. Philosophy of Mind

  7. Philosophy of Nature and the Environment (arranged by SEA)

  8. Philosophy of Law (arranged by ATFD)

  9. Phenomenological Philosophy (arranged by AFFEN)

  10. Luso-Brazilian Philosophy (arranged by IFLB)

  11. Political Philosophy

  12. History of Philosophy

  13. Logic

  14. Metaphysics and Ontology  

  15. Teaching Philosophy

Congress Program and Abstracts | Guidelines for publication of talks